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Content That Converts: How Retailers Can Grow E-commerce Sales

The COVID-19 pandemic turned the retail industry on its head

To help stop the spread of the virus, more consumers turned to e-commerce for their shopping needs rather than going to brick-and-mortar stores. In most cases, that consumer spending shifted from offline to online. According to Digital Commerce 360, customers spent $861.12 billion online with U.S. retailers in 2020, up 44 percent from $598.02 billion in 2019.

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Within retail organizations, this shift in consumer behavior has put a lot of pressure on and heightened expectations of e-commerce/digital teams. Digital teams are not only expected to sustain
this current level of e-commerce growth, but continue to build upon it going forward.

In this guide, learn more about how shoppable content can grow e-commerce sales in a heightened competitive environment.