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Ebook Bazaarvoice

The Authenticity Movement: Building Consumer Trust Without Fake Reviews

Content strategies that grow and protect your brand

It takes more than a good product to stand out in today’s market. With more information, choices, and control than ever, consumers are choosing to buy from brands they deem to be authentic. But what exactly does authenticity mean to consumers? And how can your brand build authenticity? We surveyed over 10,000 shoppers around the world to find out.

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Grab this eBook to learn:

  • What factors contribute to a brand’s trustworthiness
  • The impact of losing trust on shoppers’ likelihood to purchase
  • What kind of content shoppers trust most
  • What makes shoppers suspect content is inauthentic
  • What standards—and consequences—should be in place to combat inauthentic content
  • And much more