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Report MarkMonitor The Future of Online Brand Protection - Threats, Trends and Business Impact

The Future of Online Brand Protection - Threats, Trends and Business Impact

Explore the new, increasingly intelligent, threats to your brand, and how to gain the support of stakeholders to actualise you brand protection strategy.

Driven by advances in the internet and the proliferation of social media, a barrage of dangers - from phishing, fraud and piracy to counterfeiting - are impacting consumer trust, market reputation and most importantly, your bottom line. Having a plan in place is more important than ever as the next generation of online criminals are constantly seeking new ways to take advantage your brand and overthrow any protection mechanisms you have in place.

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64% of brands say infringement has increased in the last year.

58% believe the importance of having a brand protection strategy will increase in the next five years.

To 84% of marketing professionals, consumer behaviour plays a major role in how their brand protection programme is prioritised.