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Report Jifflenow Why Your Event Directors Are Key to Sales Growth

Why Your Event Directors Are Key to Sales Growth

Give your event teams the tools they need to make your event a business success

Event managers and directors are your conference’s air traffic controllers. Except, instead of coordinating the flight patterns of many aircrafts, they are quarterbacking meetings between attendees and your company’s sales teams, and between your executives, analysts, partners. Often event directors are stuck with manual systems that make visibility into meeting progress opaque at best. But what tools are needed to make your event a business success? And, how can you prevent failed meetings and event planners left wondering what happened? Download this whitepaper to discover how you can make your event planner’s life a little easier and, in turn, your conferences more successful.

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The top reasons why meetings fail:

  •  Manual errors (such as time zones and double bookings) that caused customers and executives to miss important customer meetings. 
  • Lack of clarity on agenda, purpose and opportunity for a meeting request that resulted in inadequate internal attendee participation. 
  • Too many back-and-forth emails to schedule and re-schedule meetings and change requests. 
  • Low attendance of scheduled meetings due to insufficient reminders, delayed confirmations, mix up on meeting room and locations, etc. 
  • Not having a digitized process to manage these meetings. 
  • Lack of good data and analytics tools to gather key event metrics like influenced-revenue to justify the ROI to management.