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Report Why Should I Live Stream My Event?

Why Should I Live Stream My Event?

With so many people engaging with conferences and events nowadays, it’s clear to see why so many businesses host them

According to Eventbrite, in the UK alone, the events industry is worth £42.3 billion with conferences and business events making up almost half (£19.9 billion) of that figure. Around 1.3 million business events take place every year, with an average of 258 attendees at each event. It makes sense then, that after all the anxiety, planning and expense of organising a conference, businesses want to maximise the return on it. However, of the many people who express interest in attending an event, only a fraction will be there on the day.

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In this eBook, streamGo will outline the brand benefits, longterm impact, how brands can avoid down-side risk and cover the basics of how to promote and manage your online event successfully.