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Webinar Think Bigger: Your Digital Experience is More Than Your Website

Think Bigger: Your Digital Experience is More Than Your Website- A Webinar

10 years ago, your brand’s website was your digital experience. The digital ecosystem has exploded with new technology and it’s not slowing down. As businesses who want to create meaningful relationships with customers and build experiences that provide value, we have to rethink how we interact across the entire ecosystem. With an Open Digital Experience Platform, you’ll be future ready to provide the ultimate experience for your customers, at scale.

Watch Webinar

Webinar Snap shot

In this webinar, we'll cover:

  • An introduction to the experience economy
  • The digital experience changes you need to prepare for
  • What you need in a DXP to exceed customer expectations
  • Why open DXP is the only DXP you should consider
  • How to leverage Acquia as the “foundational” platform for open DXP