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Report Oracle 3 Steps to Building a High-Performance Sales Team

3 Steps to Building a High-Performance Sales Team

Strategies to Compete and Win in The Age of The Empowered Customer

Sales professionals who rely on traditional, time-worn selling methodologies – like selling on features and functions or unstructured cold calling – are having trouble keeping up. As they compete to meet closed revenue targets and territory penetration objectives, sales leaders need to implement new initiatives and inspire their teams to succeed. This eBook looks at 3 strategies to compete and win in the age of the empowered customer.

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  • Almost 95% of Chief Sales Officers (CSOs) reported higher revenue targets, but nearly 86% are not very confident they can reach them.
  • In recent years, only about 58% of sales reps met their quotas.
  • With 20% of salespeople generating most of the revenue effective sales performance management is more critical than ever.