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Report Webloyalty Beyond the Core II: How UK Retailers Drive Profitable Secondary Revenue Streams

Beyond the Core II: How UK Retailers Drive Profitable Secondary Revenue Streams

The increasing necessity and popularity of secondary revenue continues to drive innovation within the retail industry.

This survey of UK retailers benchmarks key secondary revenue activities and trends, including the increasinguptake of secondary revenue strategies, the diversity of approaches taken and recognition of its importance to turnover and resilience. Exclusive insight into the application of secondary revenue is provided by industry influencers Edwina Dunn, Pierpaolo Zollo, Stuart Coleman and Sinead Finn.

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Download this report and explore: 

  • How many retailers are generating revenue from secondary revenue sources.
  • The importance of secondary revenue to retailers’ bottom lines.
  • Benefits and challenges to implementing different types of secondary revenue.
  • What third party ecosystem can retailers look to.