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Report Millennials and ePrivacy on the Web

Millennials and ePrivacy on the Web

A snap-shot report by Arekibo in collaboration with ESTIEM

Millennials are a very special generation, because they are the first generation to grow up in a world with fully mature levels of technology and digital. Internet is very important for Millennial generation. Today in the post-pandemic society, millennials spend on average 7 to 12 hours online. Many having digital jobs and most of their studies online continue browsing the web even after the workday is finished. They go on, connecting to their friends and family, online shopping, googling things, reading, playing games and watching videos or movies.

Report Snap Shot

In order to help companies plan their digital strategy, in August this year we partnered with ESTIEM – European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management, and sampled 180 millennials to find out their views and opinions on security, privacy, tracking, personalisation and trust on the web.

Solution Categories

Customer Experience Software

Customer Experience Software

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Customer Satisfaction Software

Customer Satisfaction Software

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Customer Communications Management Software

Customer Communications Management Software

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Customer Support Software

Customer Support Software

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Customer Engagement Software

Customer Engagement Software

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