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Ebook Augmented Reality for Retail: from Concept to Game Plan

Augmented Reality for Retail: from Concept to Game Plan

Week One: AR framework & user research, marker tracking, content modeling, and interaction design.

The team at Valtech is building a Contentstack-powered Augmented Reality proof of concept in 4 weeks. Today we’re covering week one, the goal of which was to define everything needed to accomplish the POC. The concept so far: We are building an application that will take some complex information from a beauty/skincare product and make it easier to understand through augmented reality and personalization.

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What experience are we creating? The team spent 3 hours on Zoom and in their Miro board with the goal of hammering out the following:

1. What problem are we solving for customers?

2. What specifically are we going to demonstrate in our POC?

3. What data are we going to display?

4. What is the interaction model?