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Report CHG-MERIDIAN The Future of Procurement

The Future of Procurement

Digitalization is widely regarded as a driver of climate change. Climate-conscious companies are therefore adopting a new IT procurement concept

The demands on the IT workplace are numerous: it must be hybrid, functional, always up-to-date and now also sustainable. How can this be combined? Especially since the resources in the IT departments are often small and the task large: After all, only one in five electronic devices is currently recycled or refurbished today. The amount of e-waste is therefore huge. Do you want to make your company fit for the future and reduce the CO2 footprint of your IT? In a resource-saving way? Download this eBook and find a checklist of what you need to consider when implementing.

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  • IT procurement has to change 
  • Digitalization is driving climate change 
  • It is time for a paradigm shif