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Ebook Softchoice Strategic Purchasing of Technology

How Strategic Purchasing of Technology Reduces Costs and Improves Employee Productivity

The Biggest Barrier to Remote Work Effectiveness

While collaboration platforms may have received the bulk of the attention, device purchasing has changed markedly, too. A great many organizations realized they needed to acquire laptops, tablets, headsets and other devices to enable employees to work from anywhere. Our partners report that device purchases rose by between 25 and 45 percent during the pandemic, increasing both the CAPEX and OPEX costs. Many of these device purchases happened ad hoc, often made by IT and line of business (LOB) leaders. The rush to business continuity forced organizations to buy whatever was immediately available. There simply wasn’t time to consider all business and end user requirements. As a result, devices were rarely customized to fit user personas, resulting in reducing employee productivity.

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In this guide, we cover:

  • 5 ways technology purchasing goes astray
  • 7 pillars of Client Lifecycle Management
  • How to streamline the technology procurement process
  • Introduction to Softchoice’s End-User Technology Roadmap (ETR) assessment

Solution Categories

IT Management Software

IT Management Software

IT management software refers to a set of tools and applications designed to streamline and enhance ...

IT Asset Management Software

IT Asset Management Software

IT Asset Management Software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps organizations effecti...

Application Performance Management Software

Application Performance Management Software

Application Performance Management (APM) software refers to a set of tools and solutions that monito...

Application Lifecycle Management Software

Application Lifecycle Management Software

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) software is a comprehensive toolset designed to streamline an...

IT Service Software

IT Service Software

IT service software refers to a specialized software solution designed to aid in the management and ...