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Webinar Thousandeyes VPN Monitoring for a Remote Workforce

VPN Monitoring for a Remote Workforce

ThousandEyes End-User Monitoring delivers real-time and on-demand visibility into VPN gateways, SaaS and internally-hosted web applications for your remote and distributed employees

The current COVID-19 pandemic has heralded a seismic shift in the way enterprises work and where employees connect from. To securely and seamlessly connect a remote workforce to the corporate network, IT teams are heavily relying on VPN gateways, cloud-based or otherwise. When employees experience connectivity issues, however, IT teams often struggle to isolate if the issue is with their VPN, home WiFi or an upstream ISP. Presenters: Archana Kesavan; ThousandEyes; Director, Product Marketing Alex Cruz Farmer; ThousandEyes; Principal Product Manager

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  • Proactively monitor the performance of your VPN gateways
  • Detect when VPNs become a bottleneck to user experience
  • Triangulate and attribute root cause of performance issues to spotty WiFi, overloaded VPN or app availability