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Report SkillSurvey The Future of Work and Generation Z

The Future of Work and Generation Z

The data you need for more strategic recruiting

GenZ has arrived and are hitting the workforce at a time of unprecedented change. What you think you know about GenZ might include a few facts and a lot of hype. They’re the most educated generation to join the workforce, but do they have the skills and competencies employers desire? They’re tech-natives who have grown up online sharing selfies and creating videos. Recruiters must know how to engage with them in the latest social media platform du jour.

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  • How today’s entry-level workers and college students measure against the skills employers need, including critical soft skills
  • Tips on how to find and recruit GenZ and promote your brand to a generation that values diversity, authenticity and meaningful experiences
  • What makes this generation tick and how to assess their career readiness for the workplace