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Report Lloyd's Register What’s New in SMETA 6.0?

What’s New in SMETA 6.0?

SMETA 6.0 is the latest version of one of the most widely used ethical audit formats.

What Sedex aims to do with SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) is to enable organisations to ‘do business that’s good for everyone’. The 4-pillar audit covers health and safety, labour standards, business ethics and the environment. With an open source methodology, you don’t even have to be a Sedex member to download and consult the measurement criteria and best practice guidance.

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In this interview, Katerina Liana, Area Technical Manager at Lloyd’s Register, discusses:

  • An overview of SMETA 6.0
  • The benefits of SMETA 6.0 for food businesses 
  • How to transition to SMETA 6.0