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Report Lloyd's Register ISO 22000:2018 and ISO 22000:2005 Cross reference

ISO 22000:2018 and ISO 22000:2005 Cross Reference

Organisations certified to ISO 22000 have three years to transition to the latest version of the international management system standard for food safety...

For companies with a food safety management system based on the requirements of ISO 22000:2005, this cross-reference guide will show you how the structure compares with ISO 22000:2018. You will be able to see at a glance where there are new requirements and where clauses have moved to reflect the new high-level structure – making it easier to see where you’ll need to focus your time and attention to meet the requirements of the new standard.

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This guide will explore:

  • Key differences between ISO 22000:2018 and ISO 22000:2005
  • How to achieve a smooth transition