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Report auth0-Unlocking Digital Identity Management

Unlocking Digital Identity Management

The need to transform often accompanies any time of great change, but in the shadows of transformation comes growing identity risk.

Identity and access management is an enabler of digital transformation as it forms the intrinsic connection between people, services and data. A workforce underpinned by technology can operate increasingly independent of location or time zone, making digital identity practices more important to business success than ever. This importance is further emphasized by the fact that many business models are underpinned by technology that allows customers to engage and interact with them online. This report looks at the landscape today - how companies are weathering the storm and the transformational effects on their businesses - with a specific focus on digital identity management and the associated risks

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Identity and access management is crucial to ensuring resilience during times of change. While the communications infrastructure is there to enable this unprecedented shift from office to remote work, for a lot of companies it is a big challenge to do this quickly while also maintaining productivity.