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Workforce Management

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Why Workforce Experience Matters


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Why Workforce Experience Matters

"The total cost of absence actually amounts to 37% of your total payroll."



5 Ways to Reduce the Cost (and Impact) of Employee Absence

Employee absence may be eating into your bottom line, but there are steps you can take to cut the costs.

Cornerstone OnDemand 6 Steps to Making the Case for Talent Management

6 Steps to Making the Case for Talent Management

Despite people being your most profoundly competitive advantage, making the case for talent management programs is difficult. Many business leaders still think of HR as compliance-driven cost center, instead of a powerful ally in increasing revenue and ensuring organizational longevity.

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  • Thinking like an executive
  • Identifying talent-related challenges
  • Assigning metrics to ensure accountability 

Develop Your People

A toolkit for amplifying performance through employee development.

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Making Performance Management Work for Everyone

Making Performance Management Work for Everyone

The traditional annual review process is extremely stressful and frequently ineffective. Many industry leaders are ditching the way it’s always been done, and completely revamping their performance management process to be more enjoyable and obtain more consistent feedback.

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Discover six simple steps you can begin implementing today, and learn how everyone from C-level execs to entry level workers will benefit from a new performance review process.

The Performance Playbook

The rules of employee performance have changed. Teams have adapted to become faster, stronger, and more agile. Is your team keeping up?

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