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Webinar Employment Hero - HR Masterclass: Healthy Hybrid Workplace Culture

HR Masterclass: Healthy Hybrid Workplace Culture

If you’re like many businesses that have shifted their entire team to remote working, you’ve most likely faced many different challenges. But one thing that’s especially difficult to achieve when working remotely (especially if you’re new to the concept), is your best-ever company culture. Even if your company isn’t completely remote, a purely onsite or hybrid workplace still presents challenges in maintaining a healthy culture. We’ve invited experienced HR leader, Kathryn Bonning, to join Lauren Berry, our People and Culture Manager. Together they’ll talk through how you can create a healthy workplace culture, whether your team is online, offline – or somewhere in between.

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  • Consider the challenges facing organisations as they navigate hybrid working
  • Discuss leading approaches to mitigate or reduce risks to company culture
  • Answer your questions