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Report highspot-european-state-of-sales-marketing-alignment

How to Align Marketing and Sales to Grow Your Business

European State of Sales & Marketing Alignment

Most companies are still struggling to align the two most important functions that drive business growth — Sales and Marketing. In many businesses both teams act like two different organisations that plan, execute, and optimise two separate processes for the same buyer’s journey. As we navigate an unstable economic climate, it is imperative to understand where Sales and Marketing departments stand in terms of alignment. Highspot conducted third-party research with Priestley and surveyed over 760 Sales and Marketing professionals in the UK, Germany and France with an organisation size of 250+ employees and the insights are telling.

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Challenges for sales and marketing: 

  • Lacking a single source of truth between sales and marketing.
  • Misalignment on messaging and on creating a shared strategy and goals.
  • Inability to track the ROI of content to determine which content is most effective in driving sales.