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  • Six Strategies for Simplifying Hybrid, Multicloud Data Integration
Report Denodo - Six Strategies for Simplifying Hybrid, Multicloud Data Integration

Six Strategies for Simplifying Hybrid, Multicloud Data Integration

A TDWI Checklist Report

Getting complete views of data for strategic, tactical, and operational decision making is vital in a data-driven world. However, traditional data integration can become a bottleneck in hybrid, multicloud environments. A data virtualisation layer can solve this challenge as it enables BI and analytics users, as well as applications and artificial intelligence (AI) programs, to transparently access the numerous data silos present in hybrid, multicloud environments without having to wait for the data to be moved into a data warehouse or data lake. View this report for a TDWI Checklist that presents six strategies for using data virtualisation to simplify hybrid, multicloud data integration and governance.

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How to exploit data virtualisation to provide true data transparency across multiple cloud and on-premises environments.