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  • The Path to Software Licensing - The Hybrid Licensing Environment
Webinar THALES The Path to Software Licensing – The Hybrid Licensing Environment

The Path to Software Licensing - The Hybrid Licensing Environment

Hybrid licensing enables a common and consistent Software Monetization strategy for hybrid vendors.

The advancing digitization and the change to new business models require manufacturers of smart devices and software companies to rethink their approach. It must be possible to offer products as On-Premise, SaaS solutions or IoT platforms in order to meet the requirements of the market and customers. In this webinar, we will show you why hybrid licensing gives you the flexibility to map your various business models, improve the customer experience and monetize the added value of your solution to the maximum.

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Webinar Snap shot

  • What is Hybrid Licensing 
  • What Drives the Case for Hybird?
  • Establish Cloud Awareness