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Report Everbridge Cost Saving and Business Benefits Enabled by a CEM Platform

Cost Saving and Business Benefits Enabled by a CEM Platform

The Everbridge CEM Platform Customer Journey

Justifying proactive expenditure on risk and Critical Event Management (CEM) activities has traditionally been a hard task for risk professionals. And it is not difficult to understand why, because in effect, what you are trying to do is convince your organisation to expend valuable resources on mitigating the impact of perceived future events that may or may not even occur. Hence, a hard task to quantify the benefits realised.

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Key Findings:

  • Reduced losses from business interruption added nearly $2.7 (€2.3) million to the bottom
  • Lowered costs from IT downtime saved $2.5 (€2.1) million
  • Avoided property damage losses amounted to $2.0 (€1.7) million