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Report Cloudreach - Need to Rapidly Scale Remote Working? DaaS is the Answer

Need to Rapidly Scale Remote Working? DaaS is the Answer

Top Challenges facing companies with no VDI in place

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many organisations to redefine how they collaborate and work as a remote team. The imposed social distancing and disruption to BAU styles of working has drastically increased the need for organisations to adopt VDI, especially for organisations with perimeter security restrictions and hardware reliant infrastructures, or those looking to support employees using their own devices (BYOD) from home-networks. Read this report for an exploration of how Cloud-Native Virtual DaaS offerings can help businesses quickly scale up to meet the pressing demands of their newly-remote teams, while ensuring that scale doesn’t come at the expense of security, performance, or cost.

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Remote working is going to be business as usual for the foreseeable future, so it is important to provide an environment as productive as being in the office.