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  • Cloud Advisory services that transform IT
Report Cloud advisory services that transform IT

Cloud advisory services that transform IT

Consulting and migration services are tailored to help the mid-market take advantage of the benefits of the cloud and digital transformation.

Security, compliance and other operational demands can accelerate as quickly as new technology becomes available in the marketplace. As a result, your team’s attention likely becomes torn between supporting infrastructure changes and exploring new innovative strategies to take your business to the next level. DXC Concerto™ Cloud Advisory Services are tailored to help your organization take advantage of the benefits of the cloud.

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“We moved many of our core applications to DXC Concerto™ Cloud over a year ago. The impact to our operations has been significant. System uptime and availability was a huge issue when we were self-hosting. It was our desire 2 years ago to get out of the business of IT. Concerto and the managed services team have helped and continue to help as we work towards that goal.”

- Dennis Jones VP of Operations, Neill Corp.