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Report TripActions How Better Business Travel Technology Impacts the Bottom Line

How Better Business Travel Technology Impacts the Bottom Line

90% of business travelers say travel is essential to company growth, and it’s no wonder — face-to-face meetings are reported to drive 40% greater closing rates.

Unfortunately, however, many organizations either don’t have a managed travel program in place, or have implemented a travel program that employees hate, and therefore don’t use. Luckily, today’s advanced, machine-driven technologies are making it easier than ever to track and manage travel spend. Not only are they better for travelers familiar with user-friendly consumer travel apps that offer loads of choice and personalization, they’re great for finance teams and travel managers, too.

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A lack of visibility into where and how travelers book and spend means your finance team can’t:

  • Identify areas of concern 
  • Curb habitual over-spenders 
  • Intelligently forecast and allocate budget
  • Gain the insights needed to optimize spend and savings