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Report xerox Content Services in The Cloud

Content Services in The Cloud

How can you begin to take advantage of digital transformation for your business?

This Content Services in the Cloud Guide by AIIM, explores how companies are tackling critical document and content management processes such as Accounts Payable, Contract Management and HR Onboarding with the challenges of sharing documents securely, automating time-consuming processes and ditching the paper and going digital. In this guide, discover some surprising trends in cloud content services. Then learn how Xerox® DocuShare® can help your organisation tackle these challenges, taking your productivity to a whole new level.

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  • What does digital transformation and content services n the cloud mean - in real terms - for your organisation?
  • The 5 critical characteristics of a good cloud content services solution.
  • How to use content services in the cloud to improve customer experience, accelerate cycle times, and reduce costs.