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Research Employee Retention Strategies for the Digital Workplace

Employee Retention Strategies for the Digital Workplace

What employees tell us about where they are and how employers can win them over — before it’s too late.

Call it the Great Resignation, the Big Quit or another name, employees of all types are leaving their jobs in droves. Employers find the situation vastly worrying, and rightly so. The cost of voluntary turnover in the U.S. alone was estimated to be a trillion dollars in 2019. The Great Resignation will only drive that number higher. Two questions arise. First, why are employees leaving? And what can employers do about it — if anything?

Report Snap Shot

This report includes 823 employer responses, all from workers at large companies (more than 1,000 employees) and 1,019 employee responses. 38% of survey respondents are at or above director level.

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