How Technology Is Transforming the HR Sector

Friday, May 28, 2021

Advanced technologies have caused sweeping transformation across various industries, from education to healthcare. The human resource sector is no exception.

Article 4 Minutes
How Technology Is Transforming the HR Sector

AI-driven tools can facilitate many aspects of HR, including recruitment, talent management, payroll, compliance and employee engagement.

Here are a few clear benefits of HR tech.

1. Simplifying candidate sourcing and recruitment

Attracting, sourcing and recruiting qualified candidates take a lot of time and resources. They require lots of strategizing and manual work, from creating job ads and sorting candidate applications to reviewing their data.

According to statistics, more than half of HR companies already use artificial intelligence for talent acquisition.

The use cases of AI and ML in recruitment are endless.

Candidate sourcing

AI-driven candidate sourcing tools can automatically scan online applications and identify the right candidates for your company. According to research studies, 55% of HR professionals agree that automation will soon become a regular part of the candidate sourcing process.

Candidate screening

Today, we use AI in different industries, from checking the real estate background to verifying candidates’ education and employment.

In the HR sector, HR software helps human resource managers overcome recruiting challenges.

Candidate screening tools use predictive performance testing. They rely on pattern recognition and machine learning to match candidate data with business needs. They assess their skills, roles, education and expertise levels. Based on this data, they create scores and help HR professionals shortlist candidates.

Scheduling and interviewing

Scheduling interviews with candidates poses a heavy toll on HR professionals’ time. Fortunately, with AI technologies, they can automate this process.

One such tool is AI-based chatbots that simplify automate the process of scheduling interviews. They can also answer common questions and help prospective candidates understand whether they’re the right fit for your company.

2. Engaging employees more effectively

A research study by Gallup emphasizes that 67% of workers are either not engaged or are actively disengaged. The lack of employee engagement affects your company’s performance on multiple levels. For example, it lowers employee morale, reduces workplace performance and increases employee churn.

With advanced HR technologies, you can track employee performance, create effective employee recognition programs and encourage staff loyalty through gamification.

One such example is Bonusly, a cloud-based tool you can use to incentivize employees. It offers more than 175 employee rewards options and integrates with a wide array of HR and team collaboration tools. While HR managers can track employee performance in real-time, staff members can recognize peers and celebrate their accomplishments.

Another essential employee engagement tool is Voice of the Employee (VoE) software. It uses natural language processing (NLP) and textual analysis to examine employee interactions.

These tech solutions allow HR personnel to create employee engagement surveys and collect essential insights into employee satisfaction. They can also analyze more informal employee communication channels, such as emails or chats.

3. Boosting the company’s internal communications

With the rise of remote work and wearable technologies, the need for cloud-based communication tools has grown. Today, employee interactions aren’t limited to phone calls, Excel spreadsheets and back-and-forth emails.

Cloud employee communication tools allow you to deliver seamless and consistent employee collaboration across all channels and devices. Above all, by strengthening internal communications, companies can also strengthen company culture.

One such example is the intranet - your company’s private network for employee communications. Internal communications professionals can use this platform to share company-wide announcements, upload photos from various events and publish educational resources (articles, guides, case studies) relevant to the team. Employees can access the network from multiple devices and upload or download files in real-time.

Instant messaging tools also play a fundamental role in internal communications. They allow staff members to stay connected in real-time, irrespective of their locations and devices. Slack, for example, lets them create multiple communication channels, send text messages, upload photos/videos and share links. For HR professionals, this is a unique opportunity to encourage employee collaboration and host engaging team-building events, especially for remote team members.

4. Managing people successfully

With cloud-based people management tools, HR managers can centralize employee data and access it via multiple devices. These tools create central repositories for employee data, such as their job titles, training programs, backgrounds, location, emergency contacts, work status and so forth.

Most importantly, HR management tools can automate a wide range of activities and facilitate repetitive processes, such as:

  • Benefit administration
  • Performance management
  • Training tracking
  • Time-off requests
  • Reminders
  • Staff schedules and calendars

Final thoughts

HR technologies are no longer optional. They’re inevitable for any HR team focused on building a consistent and employee-oriented company culture.

From candidate screening and interviewing to people management, the use cases for HR tech are multiple.

They free up HR professionals’ time to focus on what matters the most – people.

Most importantly, they can finally get the most out of employee information and use it to create data-driven employee experiences.

Eve Anderson

Eve Anderson is a marketing specialist turned blogger. She is interested in sports and exciting travel destinations and loves to share content that can inform people.


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