How Digital Asset Management Can Help You Reach New Heights


Marketing Insights for ProfessionalsThe latest thought leadership for Marketing pros

Monday, March 15, 2021

DAM has the potential to bring order to the chaos of proliferating digital assets, making processes more efficient and increasing ROI for marketers.

Article 4 Minutes
How Digital Asset Management Can Help You Reach New Heights

Digital asset management (DAM) is the process required to cut through the large number of surplus digital assets that most marketers have on their devices. It ensures that productivity, time and money aren’t lost among vast amounts of digital paperwork. Cutting through the chaos will prevent staff from feeling overwhelmed and help them find what they need easily when they need it.

Manage your digital content files for more control

Everything from videos and images to important company documents can be managed using a good DAM system. This digital content is centrally stored to grant access to those who need it, but not inundate individual devices with information that’s not required on a daily basis. With refining and auto-formatting going on in the background, marketers can focus their attention elsewhere.

This leads to a more agile way of working that boosts team collaboration, enhances productivity and improves the level of brand consistency achieved across disparate projects. It works for companies of all sizes and has been a proven success in many industries, from law enforcement to pharmaceuticals.

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Utilizing DAM software for a variety of benefits

Implementing DAM software can have wide-ranging benefits for any organization. Here are the top five improvements companies can expect:

1. Locate assets faster

Having a central database of assets that can be easily searched means employees will be able to locate the required content for any given campaign, product launch or marketing activity in a timely fashion. As well as ensuring staff time isn’t wasted, this allows for tight deadlines to be met and delays in moving on to the next stage in a content strategy to be minimized.

2. Effective reuse and repurposing of content

Complete visibility over your resources means you can effectively evaluate what you already have and select content to be reused and repurposed. This cuts down on any additional spend you might be tempted to recreate resources you already own, but can’t locate or have forgotten about because they’re hidden.

3. Cohesive approach

No digital asset stands in isolation and DAM ensures that every piece of content is properly tagged and supplied with comprehensive metadata demonstrating where it stands among other items. So when a marketer tracks down an asset to use in a campaign, they’ll discover other closely related items that can be combined to increase the value of a project and make it much more effective.

4. Brand consistency

When assets are properly organized, it’s easy to see the common themes among them, and even more importantly, any that stand out as different. This allows marketers to root out any pieces of content that are inconsistent with the brand message, as well as informing new assets that will fit in with the overall themes the company is trying to convey to its audience.

5. Greater cost efficiency

With more responsive campaigns and less time trying to consolidate assets, operations will become more cost efficient. Marketers can expect DAM to lead to an increased number of conversions and improved ROI, which is likely to be welcomed by senior management.

Integrate DAM with your CMS

Integrating DAM software with your content management system will boost the performance of both platforms. It’ll enable you to see where on the web you’ve published your assets and the kind of response they’ve received. Linking up your centralized organization system with the web-publishing platform will give you the ultimate overview of all your marketing assets.

Content security

Keeping embargoed or sensitive content safe until you’re ready to share it is vital for any marketer wanting to create an impact. DAM allows for that while at the same time enabling internal team members to access the latest version as the project is developed. When content is secure, you can feel confident rivals won’t get a glimpse of your strategy before it’s launched to your audience.

DAM in the future

It’s been proven in recent years that DAM is an important platform that marketers can’t afford to ignore. As we move into the future and the proliferation of digital assets grows yet further, it’s poised to become even more vital. In the coming years, it’s likely this cloud-based system will become more ubiquitous and increasingly integrated with all sorts of management software, from digital rights to marketing resources. Marketers must own the whole content lifecycle or miss out on lucrative opportunities.

Further reading:


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