What is Sales Enablement Software?


Insights for ProfessionalsThe latest thought leadership for Management pros

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Sales enablement software could hold the secret to your team's success - but what is it and why do you need it?

Article 3 Minutes
What is Sales Enablement Software?

Sales enablement software allows your team to work more effectively and collaboratively. However, it's difficult to get the most out of it without making a significant investment. This means if it's not right for you or your team, then you could risk wasting precious finances and time.

Sales enablement - meaning the process of giving team members all the resources and skills they need to guide consumers through the buyer cycle - can be complicated. This is especially true if employees are at different levels in terms of experience and knowledge. In theory, sales enablement should allow them to contact consumers at any stage in the customer journey and successfully guide them through to the next.

If this is going to happen for all employees, regardless of their skill or experience level, you need an effective method for them to communicate and track their individual progress. In this way, sales enablement software can be a key resource, giving sales teams the tools and support they need to guide consumers.

Project management

Programs like Salesforce and Basecamp allow sales professionals to track their daily activity, making notes on calls and recording key information like points of contact on accounts. It's sales 101 to make each customer feel like you genuinely value them and that you care about their business. This is difficult to achieve if you forget to get in touch with them or chase them, as they are likely to just go to one of your competitors.

These types of sales enablement software can also be incredibly useful to identify high-risk accounts. For example, if a client hasn't responded to emails for two weeks, it's a sign that they are disinterested and that your team may need to look at other ways to contact them.

If you're looking for sales professionals to become more involved in the wider project, then tools like Mavenlink are likely to be more suitable; it allows users to monitor the financial performance and delivery of an entire project, as well as tracking expenses and their own time.


Other software options can be used to genuinely add value to your team's skillset. Behavioral marketing platforms allow professionals to react to customer behaviors as soon as they emerge. This can not only encourage deeper brand loyalty, but also helps sales teams identify potential prospects and even the best way to reach out to them.

MarketBridge is a similar software option, but is more focused on the sales funnel and can help teams identify ways to leverage predictive analytics, while Sharepoint is a cloud-based presentation tool that ensures your sales professionals have a slick and easily-shareable pitching document.  


Another element of sales enablement software is those that create additional support for teams, whether through better collaboration or seamless communication. There are a number of conferencing resources that allow employees to connect with clients or colleagues wherever they are in the world.

Join.me and GotoMeeting are two of the fastest-growing solutions and allow sales teams to act quickly on leads or collaborate with other professionals on an account.

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