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Case Study AbacusNext

Review: HotDocs Advance, Just Like HotDocs But Only Better

Document management: which features matter?

It’s a vital question for business leaders looking to increase their insights, develop their niche, and use technology to energize their workforce. AbacusNext made HotDocs Advance even better with the right changes to HotDocs. Read this product review and find out what HotDocs Advance can do for you and your firm.

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HotDocs leapfrogs over typical limitations by:

  • Radically reducing paper documents..
  • Pleasing customers with fast responsiveness and personalized support.
  • Making compliance easier while reducing risk by eliminating manuals errors and discrepancies.
  • Standardizing documents for professional, polished consistency with minimal effort; offering next-gen editing capabilities in a simple, streamlined interface.