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  • The Forrester Wave™: External Threat Intelligence Services, Q1 2021
Report kaspersky - The Forrester Wave™: External Threat Intelligence Services, Q1 2021

The Forrester Wave™: External Threat Intelligence Services, Q1 2021

The 12 providers that matter most and how they stack up

As IT environments become more complex, cybercriminals become more sophisticated and the number of threats increases. As a result, effective cyberdefense requires external threat intelligence services. Choosing the right vendor for your business depends on your unique threat landscape which means it is necessary to select the service provider with the most advanced capabilities to fill out your organisation’s intelligence collection strategy.

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The Forrester Wave™ evaluation highlights:

  • Leaders
  • Strong Performers
  • Contenders
  • Challengers

Solution Categories

Vulnerability Scanner Software

Vulnerability Scanner Software

A vulnerability scanner software is a tool used in the field of cybersecurity to identify weaknesses...