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  • Defeating Threats through User Data: Applying UEBA to Protect Your Environment
Report LogRhythm Defeating Threats through User Data

Defeating Threats through User Data: Applying UEBA to Protect Your Environment

Learn how to detect and respond to threats faster by focusing on user activity and behaviour...

Are users your weakest link? You’re facing a constant barrage of threats, some of which you don’t even know exist. The reality is that your users are behind many threats and breaches — whether maliciously or accidentally. To confront the tidal wave of attacks, you need to hone your attention on users by harnessing the power of user and entity behaviour analytics (UEBA).

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This whitepaper uncovers how UEBA reduces your organisational risk and enables you to respond more quickly to attacks. It also dives into the different types of users, threats and use cases that UEBA can address.