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  • 4 Keys to Automating Threat Detection, Threat Hunting and Response
Report Fidelis Cybersecurity 4 Keys to Automating Threat Detection, Threat Hunting and Response

4 Keys to Automating Threat Detection, Threat Hunting and Response

The 4 procedures you must have in place to defend yourself against advanced and determined cyber-criminals.

Cyber-attacks are no longer unexpected – in fact the frequency and complexity of cyber-crime is increasing by the moment. The techniques, tactics and procedures that cyber criminals use to evade defences are continuously evolving and ultimately, even the most well-prepared organisations are falling victim. In this guide discover 4 procedures you must have in place to defend yourself against advanced and determined cyber-criminals - and evolve your defence capabilities in order to best detect and respond to threats as efficiently and accurately as possible.

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Did You Know? 

The gap between time of compromise and time of detection is one of the main failures noted when investigating a breach.