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Report Cybereason The Forrester Wave™ Enterprise Detection And Response

The Forrester Wave™ Enterprise Detection And Response

The 12 Providers That Matter Most And How They Stack Up

With all the competing noise in the endpoint detection and response space, making the right security decision for your organisation can be tough. Cybereason received the top ranking in the current offering category, amongst the 12 evaluated EDR vendors. According to the report, “Cybereason futureproofed their EDR product by architecting it with the vision of combining the detection analytics synonymous with the EDR Market".

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  • Forrester’s research uncovered a market in which CrowdStrike, Microsoft, and Trend Micro are Leaders; SentinelOne, Cybereason, Bitdefender, VMware Carbon Black, and Elastic are Strong Performers; and Kaspersky, McAfee, Palo Alto Networks, and BlackBerry Cylance are Contenders.