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  • Pervasive Protection: Enabling Secure Work from Anywhere
Infographic Malwarebytes Pervasive Protection: Enabling Secure Work from Anywhere

Pervasive Protection: Enabling Secure Work from Anywhere

How to update security efforts and policies to keep pace with a remote workforce

The new digitally transformed workplace consists of employees that expect to get their work done anywhere. This mix of onsite and remote workers, as well as the explosion of devices and applications they now use, presents a massive security challenge for businesses. And security efforts and policies have not kept pace with a changing, and more mobile, workforce. This Infographic explores the key things that all security managers need to know about remotely defending your systems about cyber-attacks.

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  • Only 47% of initial cyberattack vectors are currently detected by antivirus tools
  • 36% of firms have at least half of their employees using their own devices for work
  • 93% of organizations are dealing with rogue cloud app usage