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  • Switchingtoa New Era: Why Enterprise Networks Are Moving Toward 100GbE
Report Switchingtoa New Era: Why Enterprise Networks Are Moving Toward 100GbE

Switchingtoa New Era: Why Enterprise Networks Are Moving Toward 100GbE

Today's enterprise networks struggle to keep up with the speed of business.

This new pace is impacted by the number of users and devices on the network; bandwidth-intensive voice, video, and cloud applications; and new Wi-Fi standards that will only continue to strain enterprise core and aggregation infrastructure.A new switch is needed for this new era, and increasingly, enterprises are looking toward 100GbE.

Report Snap Shot

This Technology Spotlight report by IDC explores the world of 100GbE, including:

  • Problems encountered by corporate networks
  • The priorities of the next generation of network
  • New business network design models