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  • Benefits of Operator-Owned and Managed Infrastructure
Report Supermicro

Benefits of Operator-Owned and Managed Infrastructure

In 2021, half of the spending on server and storage infrastructure was driven by on-premises deployments according to IDC.

These investments will continue to grow in the next five years at a compound annual growth rate of 2.9% and will reach $77.5 billion in 2026. This flexibility is indicated by workload repatriation activity, a process of moving workloads from public cloud into dedicated on-premises and off-premises environments. IDC observes this activity since the public cloud became a mainstream option for running IT operations, and it's not slowing down over time. In an IDC survey, 71% of respondents expected to move, partially or fully, their workloads currently running in public cloud into a dedicated IT environment in the next two years.

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Digitization of business and consumer services accelerated in the past year, putting pressure on enterprise IT infrastructure already overwhelmed by increasing growth in digital data and information that needed to be processed, stored, analyzed, distributed, and protected.

Emerging workloads that help businesses automate operations, expedite product development, enhance customer experience, and boost employee productivity all rely on agile and resilient IT operations.