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Webinar Veeam protect your data

Protect Your Data

A real-life example of how you can use native backup and recovery services straight from the cloud to help modernize your data protection in line with your IT.

For most organizations, what hinders data availability is failed backup and recovery. Modern services and cloud acceleration are putting a strain on legacy data protection solutions. We see upwards of a 60% failure rate in data recovery due to failed backup and recovery processes. But even with the most modern data protection, cyberthreats are still one of the biggest security threats for any enterprise organization.

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In 2020, ransomware attacks grew by 700% alone. However, with modernized protection, 96% of organizations that were affected by ransomware cut their average recovery costs down to $5,000, with 76% of companies not paying anything at all. 

Watch this 5 minute video on how to protect your cloud data.