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  • Strengthen your Disaster Recovery posture as part of a holistic zero-trust app
Webinar Softchoice -

Strengthen your Disaster Recovery posture as part of a holistic zero-trust app

Protecting your digital assets goes beyond firewalls and other threat detection remediation. Being able to recover from an attack is equally important to keep your business running with minimal disruption. A disaster recovery plan also needs to include security as part of a holistic, zero-trust strategy. Watch on-demand to learn how Softchoice and VMware can help you enable zero-trust protection, as well as fast, efficient, and cost-effective recovery from disasters of any kind.

Watch Webinar

Webinar Snap shot

  • Why you should be thinking about Data recovery (DR) beyond the traditional use cases
  • The most effective path to a zero-trust security model based on new data
  • How Carbon Black and NSX offer threat detection and protection as part of a complete intrinsic security portfolio
  • A live demo of VMware’s DR-as-a-Service (DRaaS) offering, VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VCDR), highlighting its benefits and ease of setup