5 Copy Optimization Techniques that Will Improve Your Website


Marketing Insights for ProfessionalsThe latest thought leadership for Marketing pros

Monday, March 11, 2019

Optimizing your copy can be an effective and reliable way to boost engagement and improve your website in the short and long term.

Article 3 Minutes
5 Copy Optimization Techniques that Will Improve Y

It’s no use offering the best products in the world or finding a niche in the market for a service everyone could use if your website is cumbersome and hard to find. A good user experience will not only make navigating the site easier for those already on it, but help to improve its rankings in search engines too.

There are a large number of little things that all add up to a well-optimized website. Target these small jobs and soon you’ll find that your site is performing better for you and your customer base.

1. Clearer product pages

How you communicate the usefulness of your product and why it’s necessary to the buyer is important in order to make a sale. Don’t overcomplicate product pages, as it’s important that visitors are greeted with simple layouts, clear information and easily digestible facts.

If you have a vast number of products, then they need to be categorized and not hard to find. Make sure that clear descriptive words that sum up the items and services are found within the copy, as these are likely to be the search terms potential customers use when looking online.

As search engines use viewing times on pages to assess the value of a page, be sure not to leave them thin on content. If you want short descriptions of a product, then consider featuring several on the same page. Avoid repeating the same content across pages, as this is boring for visitors and is penalized in search.

2. Informative blogs

Blogs are incredibly useful ways of helping a website rank for a whole host of reasons. These vary from providing fresh content that shows you are up to date in your industry, right through to providing internal links within your website.

Posts should be informative and based on answering questions your audience may be asking. In many cases, blogs are the thing that draw people into a website in the first place and often keep them there for longer. They can lead visitors towards a CTA, product pages or even more blog posts, depending on their needs.

3. Concise titles

It can be tempting to write long titles that contain everything you want to get across to your reader. Unfortunately, search engines tend to display just the first 70 characters, which means lengthy titles will be cut off. This can be a problem if important information comes at the end.

Crafting concise titles is not always easy, but it can be a good idea to get down everything you would in a longer title and then work from there. You’ll find superfluous words you can take out and once it’s on the page, it’ll be easier to rearrange the sentence to maximum effect.

4. Better buttons

Some people argue that the call to action (CTA) button is the most important part of a website and may well be right. There’s not a lot of point in getting everything else right if you entertain and inform your audience, but fail to turn their visit into a lead.

The CTA button can take many forms, but it must be strategically placed and take the user from being a simple site visitor to the next stage of the funnel. They are typically found at the bottom of pages and stand out from the rest of the copy in a significant way.

5. Simple navigation

Website navigation is one of the most important areas of user experience. Even if you get every other element right, it can be frustrating for your audience if they can’t find what they need on the site.

Those using your site may have different levels of digital competency, so it’s vital that sites are as simple as possible to use. You need to do the work for them, seamlessly guiding the visitor around the content and helping them to find what they need quickly.

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