6 UX Tips to Help Your Website Convert

Friday, March 13, 2020

Getting traffic to your site is a vital for businesses. But if those visitors on your site aren’t going to the next stage and actually converting, you’ve got a serious problem. The user experience (UX) has become a very important part of converting on a website, so it’s important to take the issue seriously and start prioritizing your content and design around UX.

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6 UX Tips to Help Your Website Convert

Here we take a look at six great UX tips that will help your website convert.

1. Speed up page loading

Fast page loading speed is something that can’t be pushed to the back of the queue when it comes to designing websites that convert. Some of the most useful features from that encourage conversions – such as large graphics or high-definition images – are those that can cause pages to load slowly.

Faster page loading is also good from an SEO perspective. In fact, a two second delay in your page loading time has been shown to increase your bounce rate by over 100%.

2. Prioritize easy-to-read content

There’s a lot of talk about high quality content – and this has led many to believe they need a significant amount of written content on every page. And while long-form content certainly has SEO benefits, you shouldn’t assume this is the kind of content that will make visitors convert.

Instead, it’s vital to have content that can be read quickly and easily. Of course, longer form content is important too – but prioritize easy-to-read content at the top of the page, where those customers who are most likely to convert will be directing their attention.

3. Automatic pricing updates

It’s never a good idea to confuse your customers with surprise pricing updates. In fact, unsuspected price increases can be one of the most common reasons for customers to abandon their shopping cart. Take a look at the example below, as the price automatically updates when the quantity changes in the cart.

This can help to ensure the customer knows exactly what they’ll pay and aren’t shocked when the price changes at checkout.

4. Optimize your checkout page

Speaking of the checkout, it’s absolutely vital that you optimize you checkout page. This means utilizing as few clicks and as little text entry as possible between the customer clicking the checkout button and the purchase being completed. There are many ways to do this but one of the most effective is in hiding unnecessary fields.

Functionally, there are only certain pieces of information that you need to make the purchase. These should be collected; less relevant information doesn’t need to get in the way of making the sale.

5. Use video effectively

Video content can be an extremely beneficial addition to your landing pages and product pages. Whether it helps customers to understand the chief benefits of a service or product, or it explains something complex that would be challenging to explain effectively with just written text, video can be a very powerful tool.

It’s now easier than ever to create video content, and it’s a misconception that videos affect page loading speeds as they’re typically hosted elsewhere, so the files don’t load directly from the website.

6. Descriptive calls-to-action

It’s important to have a call-to-action (CTA) on every page to help your website convert at a higher rate. But it’s equally important to think carefully about what that CTA says. They work best when the customer knows exactly what’s going to happen on the next page, therefore, the CTA should describe what’s going to happen when they click.

If they click a ‘learn more’ button and find themselves on a highly sales-driven page, it undermines their expectations and can actually lead to them clicking away from your product. If they click on a ‘buy now’ button, they’re expecting to see a checkout page.

Chester Avey

Chester Avey has over 10 years of experience in cybersecurity and business management. Since retiring he enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience through his writing.



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