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Report Crown Commercial Service Achieving the Best Value and Efficiency from Contact Centre Contracts

Contact Centres: Achieving the Best Value and Efficiency from Contact Centre Contracts

How to leverage market trends to achieve great value and efficiency...

Contact with public sector organisations is driven by the need to access services, comply with regulation and get information and guidance. The growing use of digital solutions and the changing communications landscape is increasing the many touchpoints in people’s lives – and changing the way citizens want to access these public services. Embracing the latest digital innovations can help you make impressive improvements to your contact centre services – and has the potential to reduce your costs. But getting started can be complex and challenging.

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In this guide, you'll learn: 

  • The importance of benefiting from private ssector best practice in the light of changing preferences
  • How trends and preferences can help balance costs
  • An overview of generational preferences
  • How to take steps to assess your needs