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Webinar OneTrust

How Successful Security Teams Manage Risk to Build Trust and Drive Growth

Abundant data is now available to put numbers behind what we instinctively know: trusted organizations are more successful.

InfoSec teams have a prominent role in helping their organization become trusted, and therefore more successful: first and foremost, by communicating changes in the IT & security risk posture.

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In this webinar, Justin Henkel, OneTrust’s Head of CISO Center of Excellence, is joined by Ryan Walker, Third-Party Risk Manager at AutoZone to drill down into how IT & Security teams support risk reduction, build trust, and drive growth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn about recent research that quantifies the value of trust for businesses.
  • Maturing IT & Security risk management responsibilities and activities to respond to the ever-changing security landscape.
  • Discuss communication improvements and how to create transparency in your risk remediation process.