How to Create a More Energy-Efficient Workplace

Monday, January 3, 2022

Energy efficiency is at the forefront of everyone’s minds and, from a business perspective, it not only contributes towards saving the planet, but it can also reduce waste and bring down utility expenses.

Article 5 Minutes
How to Create a More Energy-Efficient Workplace

Here are a few suggestions that can help businesses across all sectors help improve their energy efficiency processes and make a notable difference to wider environmental goals.

1. Update office appliances

Technology is evolving all the time and that provides businesses with the opportunity to upgrade the equipment they use every day for greater efficiency and to lower their energy usage at the same time. For example, old refrigerators in the communal kitchen or out-of-date printers could be a drain on your energy needs and a cause of higher electricity bills every month. If you work in a warehouse, the goal might be to swap out LPG forklifts to electric alternatives. Whatever industry you work in, there are areas where eco-friendlier alternatives can be used.

Look to invest in appliances and devices that have a good energy rating and consider the size of the appliances you need for the size of your business. For example, if the majority of your staff work remotely now, do you still need multiple printers and workstations around the office?

2. Assess the data

Businesses need to understand how they’re using power in order to optimize their usage for the better. Energy audits can ensure you’re on track to meet your targets and will identify usage in the different areas of your business. But it’s also important to check that your systems are working as they should be to reduce issues from developing and to ensure you’re not overusing energy when you don’t need to be.

Power quality monitoring is the key to keeping equipment working properly and preventing it from underperforming. Changes, however subtle, in this supply of power can cause equipment to fail and need to be repaired or replaced. It can also result in you overusing power and increasing your energy bills unnecessarily. With this data, you can ensure that there’s consistency in the level of power supply to your business. Even small power quality issues could be a sign of a bigger problem and need to be rectified to prevent damage to devices.

3. Champion engagement among staff

Businesses should get their employees involved in the energy-saving strategies they’re working on, to help them achieve the broader sustainability goals but also to boost office morale. People are more inclined to work towards goals if they’ve had a part in the project, and when it comes to energy efficiency, the more people on board, the better.

From educating employees about the biggest energy-draining habits in the workplace to encouraging energy innovation ideas to make it personal to your own company culture, there are various ways to engage staff. Appointing a waste preventing team to come up with ideas and raise awareness can be really effective. Your company can also do themed campaigns throughout the year to support different environmental causes, such as Earth Hour and World Water Day to make it something fun and social.

4. Invest in renewables

Much has been said on the benefits of renewable energy, particularly where businesses are concerned. The more you can reduce your reliance on the grid, the greater the benefits for your profits and the planet, and renewable energy is a fantastic way to achieve that.

From ground source heat pumps to solar panel installation, or a combination of renewable energy sources, there are several ways that businesses can utilize free power from the elements. Renewable energy is an investment initially, but long-term it can provide excellent returns and even profits, plus it can significantly lower your carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels.

5. Minimize wasteful habits

Many businesses produce large volumes of waste, and much of this is out of habit. But changing how your company operates can dramatically decrease the amount of waste produced by your business every year. Generating waste isn’t only harmful to the environment – it’s also a costly habit when you consider the disposal of waste, along with the energy, materials and labour expended when dealing with it.

With the right policies in place, this can be minimized. For example, implement a no print policy unless it’s absolutely essential to reduce paper waste, and choose recycled products in the first place to close the loop and boost demand for recycled materials. Set up a recycling station for lightbulbs, batteries and printer cartridges so they can be disposed of properly rather than thrown in the bin, and switch to refillable options once you’ve used up what you currently have.

6. Reduce polluting commutes

If your business can operate remotely, giving staff the option to do so can be great for reducing the carbon footprint of your business. Even if your staff split their time between working from home and coming into the office, the impact can be huge.

Another alternative is to set up a carpool scheme so staff can take turns in driving others to the office, taking three cars off the road and replacing them with just one. It can also save staff money on their commuting costs which is likely to be a big incentive. Alternatively, businesses can minimize the pollution caused by commuting by getting involved in the government’s bike to work scheme that gives employees savings on bicycles and equipment so they can cycle to work instead of driving.

Key takeaways

Energy efficiency is something that all businesses should be taking more seriously, not just for the financial benefits it provides but to also contribute towards global efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Going green and choosing energy-efficient products and practices can help to improve efficiency in many cases. It also boosts your business reputation, which can be beneficial in attracting and retaining customers too.

Chester Avey

Chester Avey has over 10 years of experience in cybersecurity and business management. Since retiring he enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience through his writing.



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