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Ebook Veracode

The Secure Coding Handbook

A developer’s guide to delivering safer code faster in the cloud and on premise.

This handbook will teach you how to think like a hacker. You will learn to look at your applications — the code you write, dependencies you introduce, the software supply chain, and cloud-native infrastructures and technologies — with a critical security mindset. You will learn how each of these elements introduces risk. You will learn how attacks work — and how you can prevent them with secure code. You will learn how to limit trust. You will learn how to deliver secure software faster. You will become a better developer.

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In this eBook, you’ll learn a brief history of hacking and instructions for delivering safer code faster in the cloud and on premise by covering these topics:

  • Start with Security in Mind (OWASP #4)
  • Write Secure Code (OWASP #1,2,3)
  • Select and Maintain Secure Open-Source Components (OWASP #6)
  • Secure Cloud-native Ecosystems & APIs (OWASP #5,10, API10)