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Report bitglass The Definitive Guide to BYOD

The Definitive Guide to BYOD

Securing the Modern Workforce

Each day, cloud adoption becomes more prevalent for organizations across all industries. As such, BYOD (bring your own device) has brought forth increased flexibility and productivity to employees and organizations alike. However, there are important factors that data administrators need to consider, such as deploying the proper security measures to prevent internal and external data leaks. Traditional tools were built for an on-premises environment, and with the rise of unmanaged devices being used in the workplace, it is important to utilize a data-centric approach to security.

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  • The rise of BYOD
  • Agentless BYOD secureity
  • Mobile device and spplication management
  • How to minimize risk while adopting BYOD by using tools such as Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB)
  • And more