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Report Guardicore

Stopping the Impact of Ransomware

Ransomware, once simply a nuisance strain of malware used by cyber-criminals to restrict access to files and data through encryption, has morphed into an attack method of epic proportions.

Today, through a mix of outdated technology, “good enough” defense strategies focused solely on perimeters and endpoints, lack of training (and poor security etiquette), and no known “silver bullet” solution, organizations of all sizes are at risk. Cybercriminals are making it their business to encrypt as many computer systems on the corporate network as possible in order to extort a ransom ranging from thousands to millions of dollars. In fact, ransomware attacks are predicted to occur every eleven seconds in 2021 at a global cost of $20 billion.

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In this guide, learn how visibility and segmentation features can enable you to set up policies to prevent and contain an initial breach.