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Webinar Rapid7

Securing Success: Strengthening Your SOC

Attackers are not slowing down; in fact, the sheer number of zero days demonstrates that it is more complex than ever to rebalance the scale in the defender's favor.

Hosted by Ellis Fincham, join our heavy hitters Jaya Baloo, Chief Security Officer, and Raj Samani, Chief Scientist, as they discuss some of the recent 'celebrity' vulnerabilities and will share invaluable insights gleaned before, guide you through the necessary communication during, and explore the impact on security teams post-event.

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With sprawling attack surfaces, it feels like a never-ending game of wack-a-mole for SOC teams walloping threats as they seek to maintain the clarity, scale, and visibility necessary to control environments.

This 35-minute webinar will provide practical advice to regain control and fortify your SOC against emerging threats.